Steel Stacks

Steel Stacks

Thursday, July 28, 2011

updates and SAL

Good Morning All!
Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while but as usual life got in the way. It seems like there is something to go do every day.  At least the heat broke for a couple of days although I hear today is the start of another heat wave ugh.  Right now the AC is off and the doors are open for a couple of hours til it heats up again.  

Yesterday I had my hair cut and high-lited (gotta hide the grey for a little while longer hehehe) and then I had lunch with 2 lovely ladies that I used to work with.  Since they are teachers we always have lunch in the summer.  It is always so good to get together and catch up and it was a nice enough day that we could eat out on the deck.  Lunch started at 1 and ended at 6 (do you think we can chat?). A wonderful time was had by all.  

Here is an update on my Quaker:

Well I got some stitching done. Hopefully I can get some more stitches in today.  I signed up for a Christmas exchange of at and I am still waiting for my yellow fabric to come so I can again attempt Basket of Memories. Denise from Riverside Stitching and I are going to be doing a SAL together.  We are going to stitch Northwind by Silver Creek Samplers.  I love that poem - it was one of my mom's favorites.  

 If anyone wants to join us just let me or Denise know. She has all her supplies and I already have my fabric and 123 Stitch just sent me the shipping confirmation so the pattern should be here tomorrow.  I think she said a September start although could be sooner if no one else feels like joining in.  

I'm off to PT this morning! Will catch you later! Happy Stitching.